1. "Trust you have received our samples.Please let us have your feedback so we can proceed."
2. "Is the sample quailty fine with you?Any improvement or changes need to be made based on the current sample?"
3. "Please see attached our best offer for xxx based on the sample."
1. 先简洁跟进,因为对方忙,没来得及反馈:"Friendly reminder on the offer we sent on+E期"
2. 如果没有回应,可以隔天再次询问:"Can you please let us konw your comments?请问能告知下您的反馈吗?"
3. "This discount will only be valid for 10 days.Kindly act quickly to enjoy the benefit."
4. 可以推荐一些热卖款型给客户做参考,吸引客户兴趣:"Attached please find some more models which are also popular in your market.Kindly advise if any further infor enquired and we will be happy to assist."
1. "Can you please inform when you arrange the payment?We need to schedule the production accordingly."
2. 提醒假期将至:"We will have public holiday soon.The earlier you confirm the order,the sooner we can arrange the mass producton."
3. 以原材料涨价为由:"As the price of raw materials is going up recentiy,we'd advise you to place your order without delay."
4. 委婉催促:"Sorry,I don't want to sound pushy.But please you'll have to decide soon as the material is undergoing major fluctuations."
5. 提醒生产旺季:"Busy production season is approaching,please help update the progress so we can schedule in advance."
6. 适当的时候打电话:"If you'd like to arrange phone call meeting,when's good time for us to talk?"
1. 同行刺激效应,此方法不是首选,而且不建议对欧美比较严谨的客户。可以对付印度,非洲客户。在你获悉他当地有其他客户采购同类产品时,你可以如此写邮件:"Trust you are well.We just completed the shipment for another client from your country.Kindly see the best price we can offer FOB USD based on the quantity for your information."
2. 雷打不动可以开门见山:"Much appreciated if you can further offer some comments if you still get interested in our products.Otherwise I will stop to bouther you."开门见山,直接问他还感兴趣吗?不然停止写1邮件给他了。
1. 沉住气保持一定频率的跟进:比如今天沟通了,明天没消息,等一等,后天再询问;比如他说好明天确认给你,明天是周末,又安静了,那请按耐住,周一再跟进;比如信息只读不回,也忍住,不要把客户当成不回信息的另一半,充满怨念。
2. 与其把时间平均平衡,也不要集中精力去盯紧一个客户,这样你焦虑不安,对方也觉得有压迫感。
3. 客户如果在度假,没有机会看或者无视一切工作邮件。这点在欧美客户沟通中特别要注意,他们很不喜欢假期被打扰。针对不同国家,要了解当地的假期并且在假期前发贺卡/预祝他们假期愉快的邮件,好过在假期中打扰。
4. 不要局限邮件跟进,现在很多客户更倾向聊天软件上沟通,像东南亚,非洲国家大多客户尤其喜欢WhatsApp沟通。