> The payment service on AliExpress is powered by Alipay.com, a leading third-party online payment platform from Alipay. The payment service allows you to pay securely online without exposing your credit card details. You can also track delivery of your order and payment is only released to the supplier after you confirm you've received the order. Alipay payment service is fast, safe and easy to use!
For buyers:
Payment will only be released to the supplier after you confirm you've received the order.
Track delivery using a unique tracking number on the shipping company's website.
For suppliers:
Alipay payment service verifies the credit card details for every transaction.
Alipay payment service only asks you to ship the order after we confirm payment is safe.
常见问题解答 (FAQs):
Q1: 使用国际支付宝有什么优势吗?
A1: 使用国际支付宝的优势包括:1)安全可靠,无需泄露信用卡信息;2)支付后可查看订单配送状态;3)买家确认收货后才会向卖家放款,保障交易安全。
Q2: 如何在速卖通上启用国际支付宝?
A2: 作为速卖通卖家,您可以在平台后台设置中开通国际支付宝服务。开通后,买家在结算时即可选择使用国际支付宝进行支付。
Q3: 国际支付宝支持哪些支付方式?
A3: 国际支付宝目前支持信用卡、借记卡、电汇等多种主流支付方式,为买家提供更灵活的支付选择。随着支付渠道的不断拓展,未来支付方式将更加丰富。