1. If the quality of your products is found satisfactory, we may place regular orders. 如果您的产品质量令人满意,我们可能会定期下单。
2. We sincerely hope the quality of your products is in conformity with the contract stipulations. 我们真诚希望您的产品质量符合合同规定。
3. The transferee must ensure the quality of the product is maintained. 受让方必须确保产品质量得到维护。
4. Our Certificate of Quality is made valid by means of the official seal. 我们的质量证书经过官方盖章,因此有效。
5. Our quartz technique is well known in the world, and we believe our watches are of excellent quality. 我们的石英技术在全球闻名,我们相信我们生产的手表质量优异。
6. There seems to be a real problem with the quality of this bicycle shipment; we will replace the defective ones and are prepared to accept the return of the rejected bicycles within a week. 这批自行车的质量确实存在问题,我们将更换有缺陷的产品,并在一周内接受退货。
7. The color of the shipment is much darker than the previous one. Moreover, we find the goods do not match the original patterns. 这批货物的颜色比之前要暗得多,而且我们发现商品与原样不符。
8. Have you received the specifications as shown in our catalog? 您收到了我们目录上列出的产品规格吗?
9. The new varieties have very vivid designs and beautiful colors. 新产品设计新颖,色彩艳丽。
10. We are here to discuss the trademarks of your products. 我们来谈谈您产品的商标问题。
Q: 如果发现产品质量不合格,应该如何处理?
A: 可以要求供应商更换缺陷产品,并在一定期限内接受退货。
Q: 如何与供应商就产品质量问题进行沟通?
A: 可以使用客观、礼貌的语气,详细说明问题所在,并提出合理诉求。
Q: 在介绍产品时,应该注重哪些方面?
A: 应该准确描述产品的规格、特性、性能等,同时突出产品的优势,树立良好印象。
Q: 如何维护产品的商标权益?
A: 可以与供应商就商标使用事宜进行沟通协商,维护自身权益。