What kind of conditions are more acceptable to your company?(贵公司更容易接受什么样的条件?)
When can you make a decision if you are busy right now?(如果现在比较忙的话是什么时候可以做出决定?)
Seems we get stuck somewhere. In order to move forward, is it possible to give me/us feedback for below?(我们的进展似乎有些卡顿,为了能够继续推进,能否就如下内容给到我/我们反馈呢?)
If you're interested, let's take the conversation ahead and discuss the actionable? And if not, should I connect with you after a couple of months?(如果您有兴趣,我们可以继续对话并讨论可行的方案。如果不是的话,我是否应该在几个月后联系您?)
Based on your profile at LinkedIn, it seems that you might be the right person to speak to—or at least point me to the right person about [XXX业务]?(根据你在领英上的个人简介,你应该是可以直接负责这个业务的人,或者你是否能告诉我XXX业务该联系那个负责人吗?)
I am sharing the proposal file, and I would be happy to recap our previous conversation as well.(我将为您分享几种方案文件,并且非常乐意一起来回顾一下我们之前的讨论。)
I am just following up to know if it would be a good time to discuss now.(我想知道我们是否可以现在来进行讨论。)
You are an expert in both website article writing and foreign trade. According to the above content, can we schedule a quick call to discuss how we can support your business?(您在网站文章写作和外贸方面都是专家。根据以上内容,我们是否可以安排一个快速通话,讨论我们如何支持您的业务?)