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Part one

1.It has been over two months since we placed the order for Tape Recorders, yet we are still awaiting delivery. You should know that the delivery date is very critical to us.

2.Please address this matter immediately and ensure the goods are delivered without further delay.

3.Please dispatch the goods with the least possible delay.

4.I wonder if you could check the order I placed with you last month. It hasn't arrived yet.

5.Please make your utmost effort to hasten shipment.

6.We are in urgent need of the goods. Please expedite shipment as soon as possible.

7.We wish to bring to your attention that we have not received any news from you about the shipment. Our users are in urgent need of the machines and are pressing us for an early delivery.

8.As our customers are in urgent need of the contracted machines, we hope you can assure us of an early shipment.

9.I want to know why our alloy inserts haven't arrived yet. Our customers are in urgent need of them?

10.We hope that there will be no delay in shipment any longer.

11.This order is so urgently required that we must ask you to make the earliest possible shipment.

12.We shall be most grateful if you will effect shipment as soon as possible, thus enabling the goods to arrive here in time to catch the brisk demand.

13.We hope you will send the air-conditioners as soon as possible, for the hot season is rapidly approaching.

14.The goods we ordered are seasonal goods. So it will be better to ship them all at once.

15.In order to be in time for the season, early shipment is of utmost importance to us.

Part Two

16.We might refuse the shipment if it doesn't arrive on time.

17.We must insist on delivery within the time contracted and reserve the right to reject the goods if we fail to receive the goods before this week.

18.We regret to say that unless you are able to give us an assurance of delivery within the next two weeks, we shall be obliged to cancel the order.

19.If shipment is too late, we'll be forced to withdraw the contract.

20.If you still delay delivery, I'll have to cancel the order.

21.If you can't effect delivery within the stipulated time, we will have to lodge a claim against you for the loss and reserve the right to cancel the contract.

22.If you fail to deliver the goods according to the agreed time, you should indemnify us for all losses and corresponding expenses.

23.If there is still no information from you about the expedition of shipment by the end of this month, we'll be forced to cancel the contract and reserve the right to lodge a claim against you for the loss.

24.We wish to point out that if you fail to effect shipment within the time specified, we shall not be able to fulfill the contract with our client.

25.We would like to emphasize that any delay in shipping our booked order will undoubtedly involve us in no small difficulty.

26.Your failure to deliver the goods within the stipulated time has greatly inconvenienced us.

27.Any delay in shipment would be detrimental to our future business.

28.We trust you will see to it that the order is shipped within the stipulated time, as any delay would cause us no little financial loss.

29.As you know, June is the right season for the goods, so if they arrive later than June, we will miss the selling season.

30.Should you delay the shipment any longer, the fireworks might become useless to us.

【常见问答 FAQs】

Q1: 如果供应商迟迟不发货,我可以怎么做?

A1: 您可以根据情况采取以下措施:

1. 再次与供应商沟通,表达您的急切需求和要求尽快发货。

2. 保留拒绝接收货物的权利,以促使供应商履行合同。

3. 可以考虑终止合同并寻找其他供应商。

4. 如果遭受损失,可以向供应商索赔。

Q2: 我们急需货物,供应商能否提供更快的发货时间?

A2: 是的,您可以向供应商反映这一需求:

1. 表达您急需货物的紧迫性,请供应商尽快发货。

2. 询问是否可以提供更快的发货方式,如空运等。

3. 如果供应商无法缩短发货时间,您可以考虑寻找其他供应商。

Q3: 如果供应商迟迟不发货,会对我们的业务造成什么影响?

A3: 货物迟到可能会给您的业务带来以下影响:

1. 无法按时交货,可能会违反与客户的合同条款。

2. 错过销售旺季,丢失大量的订单和利润。

3. 可能让客户对您的服务和供货能力产生怀疑,影响未来合作。

4. 还可能导致额外的仓储费用和其他损失。

alert_warn 该企业数据暂未公开
年付5折 月付
收款公司名: 重庆知站科技有限公司
收款账户: 50050122680000000033
开户行名称: 中国建设银行股份有限公司开州支行龙锦名都分理处
* 请务必在备注中注明购买物品明细:
1、 成功汇款后,请通过下方二维码联系客服,提供转账凭证、开通会员账号、领取发票
2、 线下汇款请直接向您在阔象出海的专属账户汇款。各种方式的到账时间一般为: 农行1-2天,跨行3-5天 (具体到账时间以银行的实际到账时间为准)