1. 库存盘点: 盘点Lazada商家中心库存和实际库存的差异,及时下架库存告急的商品。同时查看单品的购买、加购情况,做好销售预测,与供应商确认好畅销商品的供货情况。
2. 谨慎参与活动: 对于库存短缺的商品,请不要参加闪购、BMO等活动。
3. 供应商盘点: 查看供应商的上班及发货时间,以及供应商是否在疫区,交通是否受影响等。
a. 若已确定订单会延期发货:
> Affected by the novel coronavirus,our government announced all enterprises will remain closed till February 9th.We regret to inform you that the delivery will be delayed due to the novel coronavirus.The latest delivery time will be XXX,We'll keep tracking the status and try our best to expedite.We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience and understanding.If you have any other questions,please contact me without hesitate.Thank you!
b. 可能会延期发货:
> Dear Customer,Affected by the novel coronavirus,our government announced all enterprises will remain closed till February 9th.We are afraid that the schedule of your order may be changed due to the delay of production.We'll keep you updated.
c. 补充解释:
> Sorry for the delay,but the delayed shipment is not just from us,but from the sub vendors,logistics,and all other related support systems.
a. 买家担忧中国包裹安全:
> "There is no indication of risk of contracting the Wuhan coronavirus from parcels or their contents.We are paying close attention to the situation and will cooperate with the relevant authorities."
b. 买家担心疫情蔓延:
> "China is determined and capable of winning the battle against the coronavirus.We all take it seriously and follow the government's instructions to contain the spread of the virus.The atmosphere around remains optimistic to some extent.The epidemic will be eventually controlled and killed."
c. 买家传播谣言:
> "This is totally Fake news.Thanks for helping prevent the spread of these rumors if possible.I believe,China's speed,scale and efficiency of response is rarely seen in the world."
1. 远程办公: 对于不能到公司上班的员工,可安排在家办公,利用钉钉等工具进行管理和沟通。
2. 业务复盘与准备:
- 研究如何选品、优化标题等,利用Lazada Business Advisor的新功能。
- 对去年双11/双12大促进行复盘,为即将到来的Lazada生日大促做好准备。
- 了解当地市场的社交媒体推广方案,拓展站外流量。